Saturday, October 4, 2014

Masterclass in Lighting Design - Ruairí O'Brien was invited to give a workshop and lecture to fellow professionals at the Lighting Academy in Amersfoort Holland

I enjoyed the masterclass session organized by the Lighting academy in Amersfoort immensely.
The first class I gave, using my "Light in the Cube" teaching concept, took place in the presentation rooms of Erco. The participants were highly motivated and were wonderful to work with. The second class "Urban Poetika" took place in a large cinema complex which provided me with excellent facilities to discuss my urban lighting concepts with an audience made up of both professionals and the general public. Addressing such a mixed cross-generational public, where one has experts, students and enthusiastic laypersons/local citizens in one space is a challenge and personally always a great pleasure. This is city pure and this is the power and importance of light, it can truly bring the people together, this is inspiring. Speaking to and with the general public, with the citizens, with the young, with the local business representatives and politicians, the artists and the planners is of paramount importance to achieve a greater acceptance of the necessity to include good lighting design concepts in our city planning at the earliest possible stage. The future of our cities is the future of good lighting design and visa versa. Light touches us all.
A final thank you goes to the team from the Lighting Academy for the super organization.

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